Tuesday, 17 May 2016 14:01

BT Google Maps

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Module Class Suffix

Module will concatenate the  value of this parameter with string ‘bt-facebookpage’ to create a new CSS class for module.

If you use the module class suffix set in the module admin _abc then you will actuall get the module generated with the class of bt-facebookpage_abc

Via [loadplugin]

The above is taken from the documentation but might not be 100% correct.

The following is true when using the [loadmodule] plugin.

The module suffix is appended to 'moduletable' so a suffix of -bt-googlemaps-container gives moduletable-bt-googlemaps-container

Other Module Class Notes

  • .btgooglemaps is a class given to BT Google maps container.
  • .gm-style is a google wrapper i think, lower than .btgooglemaps

Add a Border


	border: 2px solid #a3a3a3;


Read 1046 times Last modified on Tuesday, 17 May 2016 14:13