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My Commodore Notes

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These are my Commodore notes that don't fit anywhere else.

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VICE Emulator

  • Key Mappings (General)
    • 2.8 The keyboard emulation | VICE Manual - There are two ways of emulating the keyboard in VICE and they are described here
    • Change keyboard mappings
      • VICE --> Preferences --> Input Devices --> Keyboard
      • the files are located at:
        • /VICE Folder/Your Commodore Device/gtk3_sym.vkm
        • /VICE Folder/Your Commodore Device/gtk3_pos.vkm
    • Soft reset: Alt + F9
      • When you soft reset VICE it does NOT resets the Tape counter
    • Hard reset: Alt + F12
      • When you hard reset VICE it resets the Tape counter
    • You can add a key for 'Press PLAY on datasette' which is NOT assigned by default
      • Help --> Hotkeys
  • Key Mappings (+4)
    • Joystick Fire: Numpad 0
    • Run/Stop: End
    • Shift Lock: Caps Lock
    • Take a Screenshot = Pause
      • Files end up in the VICE /bin/ folder
    • Esc:
    • Commodore Key: Left Ctrl
  • Key Mappings (C64)
    • C64 VICE Front-End – Waiting for Friday
      • This has a image of the key mappings for the C64 used in VICE.
      • The aim of this project was to create a front-end for Commodore 64 emulation using VICE. One of the primary problems with emulators (especially for machines from the ’80s) is that there was no standard keyboard arrangement. In this project I took a broken Commodore 64 computer and replaced the motherboard with a PIC microcontroller based board which interfaces the keyboard and both joystick ports (including ADC for the paddles) to a modern full-speed USB 2.0 interface.
    • RUN/STOP: Esc
    • RESTORE: PgUp
    • CONTROL: Tab
    • Commodore Key: Left Ctrl
    • With the default english keymap file, RUN/STOP is mapped to the CAPS LOCK key, and RESTORE is mapped to the PAGE UP key.
  • Monitor
    • VICE Manual - 12 Monitor
    • The VICE emulator has a complete built-in monitor, which can be used to examine, disassemble and assemble machine language programs, as well as debug them through breakpoints.
    • It can be activated by using "Activate monitor" from the menu.
    • The monitor will either run in a separate window, or in a terminal emulation program (such as rxvt or xterm) when "native monitor" has been enabled in the settings.
  • No sound
  • When you reset the emulator, the tape counter is reset, so to disable it:
    • If using the older Win32 interface, it's in Settings -> Datasette settings -> uncheck 'Reset Datasette with CPU'
    • If using the GTK interface, it's in Settings drop menu -> Settings -> I/O Extensions -> Tape port devices -> uncheck 'Reset datasette with CPU'
  • SDL vs GTX

YAPE emulator

  • Key Mappings
    • Quick Debugger: Shift + F9
      • This will allow you to see tape counter.
      • Once the game has loaded, the tape counter will read: A simple tape counter (simply the offset in the TAP or WAV file) TAPE
      • 000000000 the underlined ones are equivalent to commodore tape counter (Tape Counter + one and lots of extra preciseness).
    • Full Throttle =
    • Tape
      • Play: F5
      • Stop: Shift + F5
    • Resets
      • Run/Stop + reset: TAB + F11
        • Equivalent to the one on the real machine
        • Jumps to the machine language monitor without losing memory contents and BASIC programs and variables.
      • Soft reset: F11
        • Equivalent to pushing the white RESET button of a 264 computer. You will not lose the memory contents only BASIC programs and variables.
        • If a program masks the RST vector, you may not be able to restart the emulated machine this way.
      • Hard reset: SHIFT + F11
        • Equivalent to turning the power on and off in a real machine in that it clears all the RAM contents
      • Forced reset: CTRL + F11
        • Will always jump to the ROM reset vector, even when it's disabled.
        • Great for debugging.
      • Drive reset: no shortcut key
        • Eventually drives may crash, too, so they can be reset here, all at once or individually.
        • This is the equivalent of turning the drive off and then on.
    • Escape: ` (tilde)
    • Commodore Key: Left Ctrl
    • Control: Right Ctrl or Insert (for laptops)
    • Shift Lock: Caps Lock
    • Run/Stop: Tab
    • Home: Home
    • Pound (£): Delete
    • Pound Sign / Hash (#): Shift + 3
    • Inst/Del: BackSpace
    • Cursors Arrows: Cursor keys
  • Joystick Mappings
    • These are the key mappings when the josytick is emulated through the PC keyboard.
    • Joystick Move: Cursor keys or Numpad 2, 4, 6, 8 (selectable via the Input dialog window)
    • Joystick Fire: Numpad 0
    • Issues with Joystick then try one of these settings:
      1. Settings --> Input setup --> Configure keyboard & Joystick --> Windows input Method = Message Queue - positional keymap
      2. Settings --> Input setup --> Configure keyboard & Joystick --> Emulation via keyboard --> port 1/2 = Cursor keys
Read 522 times Last modified on Sunday, 27 November 2022 14:58