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Sunday, 06 May 2012 13:41

Chinese CCTV Camera Systems Setup Instructions

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These cheap CCTV systems will only work on internet explorer, in compatability mode, an utilise activeX technology so can be problematic to get working.

Solution 1

add website/IP to trusted sites in internet explorer

eg: make sure the ip of the local device is added in to the 'Local intranet' zone as a safe site.

Solution 2

This is more indepth just incase solution 1 does not work. In security section make sure all prompts are set properely and this should allow activeX to run normally.

  • use internet explorer
  • goto to internet options/Security Settings
  • select he appropriate zone ie  Internet/Local intranet Zone
  • set the following in the
  • click on custom level
  • goto the 'ActiveX controls and plug-ins' section
  • set the following

allow activex filtering enabled ?
allow previous unused activex controls without prompt ?
automatic prompting for activex controls - enabled
download signed activex controls ? - prompt
download unsigned activex controls - prompt
intitialize and script activexcontrols not marked as safe for scripting - prompt
run activex controls and plug-ins - enabled ?


if any issues reuce all security, try and load, tehn reset all ie settings to default

Read 1301 times Last modified on Sunday, 06 May 2012 15:53