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Sunday, 13 March 2016 16:06

My IP Camera Notes

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I need to figure out how to discover the URL for a specific camera.

  • Br401/801 is compatible with our cameras
  • The ip cam viewer software worked with our cameras selecting KGurad BR401/801
  • Only port 9000 is needed as this supplied the rtsp feed and authentication
  • Other software
    • Blue iris
    • Ispay
    • Webcamxp
  • Ip cam viewer has a camera scanner to autodetct what sort of camera you have
  • How did livesey aquire the url
  • Most cheap shitty cameras are probably rtsp
  • Ip camera also has a webserver (which I have not got to work yet)
  • The camera stream 9000 needs to be TCP, this is also refered to as the media port
  • Port 80 is only for the web interface and does not work outside internet explorer on windows XP. This is not required for viewing cameras remotely
  • The stream is probably RSTP and is instigated by a get request using a particular string.
  • 18004 seems to be exposed aswell
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