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Chaining Multiple Javascript Functions

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Here i will show you how to chain multiple javascript functions (chained functions). This is not as simple as it seems because the functions can be dependant on the previous, they can run out of order or they can run independantly.

There are 3 ways of chaining functions (excluding operators).

  1. stacked  functions in a function
    function combinedFunction {
    	runFunction1 ();
    	runFunction1 ();
    	runFunction1 ();

    You can use operators here but the main purpose of this method is to allow you to declare only 1 script in your HTML and arrange the functions you want running neatly.

  2. Basic chain - in a submit button
    <form method="post" id="contact_form" onsubmit="runFunction1(); runFunction2(); runFunction3();">

    See notes on operators. it is particularly important when using a submit button

  3. Function in function, chain
    function runFunction1  {
    	// Do some stuff

    you can keep expanding the number of functions you have and also can apply logic to them

Operators - Submit button

This section will focus on the different outcomes of using operators for the submit button with functions. It must be noted that most of these rules will apply to other Javascript circumstances.

  • ||  or
  • & and with no dependancy
  • && and but previous function must return true (or not false>)
  • !! (runFunction1() && runFunction2())   - check this, it should return a boolean based on all results
  • to prevent the submit button functioning, you must add return false; . Iit must be at the end and seperate
  • if you use && the function to the left must run true otherwise the next will not run
  • & means 'and' but does not require the prior function to be run successfully, might be the same as function bob(); function builder();
  • if a function returns false, the submit button will not work. This might be overidden in a non successive chain when one of the subsequent functions returns true
  • you can return false / true / return variable / text / nothing (not recommended and depends on your code
  • onClick and onSubmit are different. onSubmit can be fired by clicking or by pressing enter.


Example 1

<form method="post" id="contact_form" onsubmit="runFunction1(); runFunction2(); runFunction3();">
  • the functions are seperated by a semi-colon.
  • All of these functions will be run, from left to right
  • and none of them will be depandant on the other to run or return true.
  • the submit button will activate

Example 2

<form method="post" id="contact_form" onsubmit="return myFunction();">
  • if myFunction returns false, the submit button will not activate (check this)
  • if the myFunction  returns true, the submit button will activate

Example 3

<form method="post" id="contact_form" onsubmit="return validator1() && validator2()">
  •  the function validator2() will not run unless validator1() returns true
  • if validator2() returns false, the submit button will not activate (i need to check this)

Example 4

<form method="post" id="contact_form" onsubmit="validateCaptchaCode() && postForm(); return false;">
  • postFrom() will not run unless validateCaptchaCode() returns true
  • the submit button will not activate because of return false;  , irrespective of the return value of postForm()

How to prevent buttons from submitting forms

Read 1132 times Last modified on Sunday, 03 November 2024 13:07