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Sunday, 13 March 2016 16:09

Virgin Mobile - Configure MMS and Internet

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These instructions show you how to setup Picture messaging/MMS and internet on your mobile phone.

Automatic SMS Based setup instructions from Virgin Rep

Instead of manually configuring the APN you can use the links from virgin to automatically configure you phone (just like ringing virgin and getting them to do it)

  1. goto
  2. click mobile
  3. click help (on top row)
  4. click mobile (in that weired shape)
  5. look under device supprt and click 'Phone Support' (Click Here)
    1. click search for my phone samsung note 3 (or select from the list), this gives manual settings. For some reason the 'internet' option is not in the fact thus not giving you a link, this is why you have to go via another phone to ge to the page wherte you can send the text messages your self.
      1. seach for samsung s6 / click on samsung s6
      2. expand the internat faq option
      3. click on 'How do I manually enter the Mobile internet & Picture Messaging settings?'
      4. at the top of the new faq section there is a link 'click here in the sentence:
      5. To download the right ones, just click here

To manually set up follow these instructions:

  • click the 'click here' link
  • this displays the options to set up the samsung s6 by sending a text message, this is not the phone i want, so click "Not your phone? Choose another"
  • now search for the 'Samsung SM-N9005 Galaxy Note 3' and click it

You are now able to send the SMS message to configure you samsung note 3.

Direct Page Links


  • The PIN is usually the last 4 digits of your phone, if required
  • Setting up the APN settings from the virgin site (as per that link for that other samsung phone i used) gets you on the internet on striaght away (possibly because i was alreay on though)  and configures the MMS.
  • MMS does not work straight away, you have to:
    1. reboot your phone so it registers the new functionality on the network (educated guess)
    2. possibly send a MMS message to activate the server. (this seems stupid and I am not 100% this is require anymore). You can send this message to your own.


Read 1195 times Last modified on Sunday, 13 March 2016 16:26